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Forum Posts
F.I.R.E Institute
Nov 27, 2023
In General Discussion
This forum is a place for reasoned adults to ask questions and exchange ideas and information
regarding firearms training and points about firearms as implements of personal defense.
Bickering trolls get in the way of that, and are not welcome.
To facilitate this use of our forum and help ensure its usefulness, the following rules apply:
1. No anonymous posting. Take ownership of your thoughts and opinions. Sign your full name
to your post and be responsible for it, or take it elsewhere.
2. Be respectful. Good faith disagreement is useful, as it often brings to light information,
thoughts or ideas we might not have otherwise considered. But differences of opinion should
represent contributions to a discussion, not an invitation to fight. If you find yourself saying
things you would not say in a face-to-face conversation in a public place, you are on thin ice
3. Keep your posts relevant to the topics mentioned above – firearms training and use of
firearms as tools for personal defense. We have zero interest in people’s political orientation,
religious views, or any crap they may be trying to sell. Please note that posting information
about training opportunities as they become available in the tri-state area is considered “on
topic,” and using this forum to publicize the availability of training courses from any source
is perfectly acceptable.
We will remove any post or a thread that violates any of these rules. If any individual
demonstrates their unwillingness to play by these rules, they will be blocked.
We hope that never becomes necessary.
Welcome to the F.I.R.E Forum.
F.I.R.E Institute
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